

Only as a couple (ger: "Paar") it can stand straight and hold the weight of the tabletop, which is only resting on top of "pAAr" and is not glued or attached. By the weight of the tabletop alone, the whole table can stand. The higher the weight, the better it works. "pAAr" therefore is quite flexible in its usage, due to the fact that it leaves the choice of material to the user. The design emerged from the idea that in many housholds, temporary furniture solutions stay longer then expected, e.g. an old wooden door is used as a table or beercases become stools.

Coming from this train of thought, "pAAr" is the "temporary-final" solution. Depending on the tabletop material, "pAAr" works as fancy dining table, desktop or conference room table. There are variations of material and shape as well.